Friday, August 6, 2010

Support Is Wonderful! Stay Tuned For More!!

Reposted from
Originally posted April 16, 2010

My personal site here has now been open for about a week and I must say that I'm grateful and excited by the support shown in such a short time. My exuberant thanks go out to everyone who's donated so far!

To those who know me well it goes without saying that fundraising and soliciting financial support for a cause like this is not a normal or comfortable activity for me. My comfort zone is way back there over the horizon in the rear view mirror, and that makes it even more gratifying to see friends, family, classmates, co-workers, and acquaintences stepping up to support my effort to help this great cause.

This weekend we're off to Santa Barbara for a sneak peak at a bit of the September walk route, as well as a day of seminars on training, healthy walking, and what it takes to get to the end of 39.3 miles on September 12th not just in survival mode, but triumphantly and successfully! If I can roust my lazy behind out of bed at O'Dark-Thirty we'll be in SB for the eight-mile training walk at 08:15 - if not, maybe the four-mile training walk at 09:15 will have to do. I'll let you know how it goes. (I have faith that we'll make the eight-mile, but at O'Dark-Thirty, while the spirit may be willing, the flesh is weak.)

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