Saturday, May 1, 2010

If I'm not writing anything new here...

...I'm probably writing something new over on my personal site for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.

I signed up a couple months ago for the 39.3 mile (marathon & a half), two day event to be held in Santa Barbara on September 11th & 12th.  I was looking for a motivational physical challenge and this was the cause that I picked.

I'm just now starting the fifth week of a 24-week training regimine, starting out at about 14 miles of walking a week (over five days) and building up to about 42 miles of walking a week.  I've got several blog posts there about the whole experience, so if you just can't get enough of my legendary wit & wisdom feel free to supplement your reading here with my blog posts there.  And while it's not any kind of requirement at all, I wouldn't object a bit if you chose to donate some financial support for the cause and my fundraising efforts.